Monday, January 09, 2006

The Polish movie 'Tylko Mnie Kochaj'

After an excelent movie 'Nigdy w Zyciu' there is time for a second part 'Tylko mnie kochaj'. The movie will be on the Polish screen on the Valentine's Day. It is a good promotion of it.

The promotion machine moved. The first pictures were created in August, from that time every second day we can find a new materials about movie, actors and so on. Even in Poland PR industry is working on a good image of the cast.

The pictures are taking in Sopot, Polish see side. In my oppinion this nice city is famous but after that movie will be more famous. The picture are taking in many nice and well recognize place in that city, so after the premier in February there will be more tourist.

PR agency decided to promote a movie and thier cast in the charity foodball match. There were two groups, a 'Tylko mnie kochaj' and from the series 'M jak Milosc'. So the Polish society is talking about a new film and thier cast before it is on the screan. Every body who saw the first part of the movie and read a book is waiting for next production. I am waiting too :-)

A trailer:,23865,1,0,2,zwiastuny.html


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