Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

In 7 th of December in Poyal Albert Hall in London had place a premier of the film 'The Chronicles of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe'.

That day the Royal Albert Hall looked like magic land Narnia, full of snow, magic creatures and there was also a lamp. It was special because it was Royal Premier, what is very important for the British society.

The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe was created in the Disney Studio and the budget is estimated 150 million $. It is till then the most expensive production for the Disney.

During my research I found that The Disneys' Studio have financial problems. So they decided to spend lots of money to promote their new film - The Chronicles of Narnia, not just for advertising. Before the premier there was many articles in press. The articles were about the new Disney production and very often The Disney Studio were attacked. Magazines like -Cinema, Film and many more, presented information that The Chronicles of Narnia have some Christian motives, and the Catholic Church is doing a good and free promotion of it.

The movie industry is using a PR knowledge to promote their new films. The Disney Studio was started promotion of The Chronicals of Narnia 6 months before premier, and they were exploit media and Church. They were attacked because some churches are using film to promote a Christian spirit. They interpret some motives like Christian one, for example the Lion - Aslan is compare to Christ.

This time the Disney Studio had a good link between politic, religion and business. PR agency found that and they used it to promote that new production.

How often movie industry is using PR to promote their new film or to create a good image?


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